Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Upcoming December Meets

Hi Team,

Things are going to start rolling this week!  On Friday we will host our big Terror Relay Invite, and then next Tuesday we begin our FVA dual meet season!  Here's what you need to know about our December meets:

Friday, December 9th--Terror Relay Invite. All swimmers need to be on deck, ready to help out, at 3:00 pm.  West swimmers and divers will be excused at 2:50.  Warm ups start at 3:30.  The meet starts at 5:00 with the diving competition.  The whole invite is made up of relays, so the format will be different than what you're probably used to.  All swimmers will swim in at least one relay.  Each swimmer is allowed a max of 3 events.  In an effort to get everyone into the lineup, I had to limit entries.  Very few athletes will be swimming 3 events.  There will be awards after each event for the top 6 relays.

We have plenty of timers ready to go, but we are still looking for a couple of people to help with concessions.  Please let me know ASAP if you're willing to help.  I'm also in need of a large pasta salad.  If you signed up to bring food, please drop it off at the pool by 4:00 pm.  Thank you!!

Tuesday, December 13th--Dual vs. Oshkosh North-Lourdes.  We will travel to the 20th Street YMCA (3303 W 20th Ave, Oshkosh, WI) to take on ONL.  This is the only dual meet of the season that starts at 6:00 pm instead of 5:30 pm.  We hope to see a big bunch of fans in the bleachers waving their pompoms!

Tuesday, December 20th--Dual vs. Neenah.  We will travel to Neenah High School (1275 Tullar Road, Neenah--the pool is on the side of the school off of Appleblossom).  This meet starts at 5:30 pm.  Diving will take place after the 50 free, instead of at the beginning of the meet.  Please plan on coming out to cheer us on!

Our team pictures will be on Thursday, December 15th at the start of practice.  All swimmers need to bring their team suits and warm ups to practice that day.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

PS If you have questions about how high school meets differ from club meets or you just want to see how high school meets are scored and how you can qualify for State, click (here).

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