Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Thank You, Meal Team #1!

 Hi Team!

Last night was our first big team meal, and it was a HUGE success!  The guys LOVE team meals--they are definitely one of the highlights of their week!  Yesterday was an example of how when fantastic people are put in charge with no instructions (sorry!!), they can still do fabulous things. Thank you, Kimberly Carl, LeeAnn Fraser, Dana Reese, and Becky Malcomson for making it look like you spent weeks planning for the meal.   In all seriousness, I apologize to the first meal team for the lack of communication.  I'm going to blame it on having Terror Relays brain.  Hopefuly the information I added to the end of this post will help future meal teams avoid confusion.

Okay.  I know it looks like the guys are not having a good time in this picture, but I'm pretty sure they were just less-than-thrilled that I interrupted their dinner to make them take a picture.  : )

Our next team dinner is on Monday, December 19th.  There is still one slot open if you want to help out.  The link to sign up is right here: (http://signup.com/go/8Lo7xb).  We will also have team dinners on January 9th, 16th, and 23rd.  The link for those meals will go up soon.   Once you've signed up for a meal, please feel free to use the team Facebook page to set up who brings what (Appleton West-Kimberly Boys Swimming).  You should get the names of the members of your group through the sign-up link on the Friday before your meal.  We held last night's meal in the pool lobby, but it was pretty squishy.  The guys have requested that future meals be held in the cafeteria.  Stop by the pool and one of the managers will show you where to go if you don't know how to get there.  Please plan on having your meal set up by 6 pm.  

Here are the details:
Numbers:  30 athletes + 3 coaches

Past Team Meals (but you can plan anything you want!):
Pasta and red sauce and garlic bread
Meatballs in brown gravy with potatoes
Taco bar

There is usually some kind of dessert.  Most groups brought milk and water as the beverage.  Please plan on providing plates, cups, utensils, and napkins.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.  
Thanks, again, for supporting the team! 

With AW-K Pride,


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