Sunday, December 11, 2016

Terror Relays Recap!

Hi Team!

Friday night will definitely go down as one of my all-time favorite meets.  There were so many special moments, both in the pool and on deck.  I loved watching everyone compete, but what made the night extra special was so much more than what we accomplished in the pool.  I'm a big fan of lists, so I thought I'd give you my Top Ten list from Friday night.  Here we go:

Top Ten Best Moments From Last Night's Terror Relays

10. AW-K aprons in the concessions stand!
9. Turning the corner and seeing all the guys standing in the hallway ready for our team meeting before the meet, and seeing the joy on your faces when I told you I brought you Gummy Bears!
8. Everyone joining in to sing the Star Spangled Banner!  (It sounded so pretty!!!)
7. Having divers to cheer for!
6. Seeing so many AW-guys up on the podium!
5. Having so many girl team members (and their moms!) there to help out!
4. Flipping the pool in 6 minutes!
3. Watching the older guys make sure the new guys got to their relays!
2. Chad's birthday celebration!
1. Beating everyone in the FVA except for Neenah!

Here's the breakdown of how we did:

Diving:  4th place (Nick, Carson, Grant)
100 Free Relay: 12th place (Jack, Ian, Carter, Preston)
200 Medley: 6th (Hannan, Dylan, Ben Todd, Ben Hendel)
500 Crescendo: 8th (Chad, Jacob, Hunter, Kenny)
400 Free Relay: 5th (Jacob, Ben Todd, Chad, Ben Hendel)
200 Breast/Fly Relay: 3rd (Brady, Ben Todd, Dylan, Ben Hendel)
400 Medley Relay: 5th (Hannan, Dylan, Justin, Jacob)
300 IM Relay: 7th (Justin, Hunter, Hannan)
200 Free Relay: 9th (Billy, Nick, Kenny, Max)
100 Medley Relay: 12th (Owen, Caleb, Conner, Jackson)

All photos were taken by fabulous freshman swimmer, Sophie Hirst.  I try to have my photographers get pictures of everybody, but sometimes that doesn't happen.  Don't worry--there will be PLENTY of pictures of everybody by the time the season ends.

I'd like to close this post by thanking everyone who helped make Friday night such a success.  I know I am lucky to have so many people who are willing to step in and contribute to the success of the program.  I'd like to make a special shout-out to Nancy Hendel who organized all the timers and ran the concessions stand. Concessions is one of those things that no one really wants to do, but Nancy did it because she loves the team.  Thank you, also, for bringing AW-K aprons for the workers to wear!  I'm positive we are the only team that has special aprons to wear in the concessions stand!! Nancy also provided pizza and milk for the guys to enjoy on Thursday night after they completed the meet set up.  I'm pretty sure that was the fastest meet set up in the history of meet set-ups. You are the best, Nancy--thank you so much!  I'd also like to thank girls team mom, Susan Harper, who helped set up and take down the coach and officials meal.  I hate asking parents to do that job because they end up missing the whole meet.  Thanks, Susan, for going above and beyond!  Whether you donated food, timed, sold hot dogs, posted results sheets, took pictures, sang the Star Spangled Banner, or just helped in unknown ways, please know that I appreciate you!  Friday night ran like a dream.  That would not have happened without every single one of you who stepped up to help.  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I love coaching this team!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Final Standings:

1. Neenah 248
2. Baypost 230
3. Ashwaubenon 198
4. Stevens Point 196
5. Manitowoc 164
6. Appleton West-Kimberly 140
7. Oshkosh West 138
8. Brillion Valders Chilton 124
8. Wisconsin Rapids 124
10. Oshkosh North-Lourdes 118
11. Watertown 100
12. Fond du Lac 54
13. Berlin/Green Lake 18
14. Two Rivers 16

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