Thursday, October 6, 2016

Disc Golf and Baked Ziti! (Date change--November 6th)

Hi Team!

Let's get together and play disc golf before the season starts!  Grab your discs and meet us over at Pierce Park (Prospect Avenue in Appleton) on November 6th at 3 pm.  My husband, John, will have plenty of discs for you to use if you don't have any. We will play 9 holes and then head over to Ben Hendel's house for a team dinner afterward.  I'll have Ben post his address on the team Facebook page. Please RSVP over there so Mrs. Hendel knows how much ziti to make. We're asking that each of you bring something from the list below:

Freshmen:  Desserts
Sophomores: Fruit or Veggies
Juniors:  Garlic Bread
Seniors:  Drinks (water bottles, milk, juice, etc.)

Looking forward to seeing everyone away from the pool!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

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