Thursday, October 6, 2016

Disc Golf and Baked Ziti! (Date change--November 6th)

Hi Team!

Let's get together and play disc golf before the season starts!  Grab your discs and meet us over at Pierce Park (Prospect Avenue in Appleton) on November 6th at 3 pm.  My husband, John, will have plenty of discs for you to use if you don't have any. We will play 9 holes and then head over to Ben Hendel's house for a team dinner afterward.  I'll have Ben post his address on the team Facebook page. Please RSVP over there so Mrs. Hendel knows how much ziti to make. We're asking that each of you bring something from the list below:

Freshmen:  Desserts
Sophomores: Fruit or Veggies
Juniors:  Garlic Bread
Seniors:  Drinks (water bottles, milk, juice, etc.)

Looking forward to seeing everyone away from the pool!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Upcoming Winter Sports Meetings

Hi AW-K Swimmers & Divers,

The 2016-2017 season is only a little more than a month away.  The first thing you need to do is mark your calendars for the upcoming Winter Sports Meetings.  All new, incoming, and returning swimmers and divers need to attend.  

The Appleton West meeting is on Monday, October 17th at 6:30 pm
The Kimberly meeting is on Monday, October 24th at 6:00 pm

Lots of team information will be passed out at those meetings. Please plan on attending (and bring a parent)!

Stay tuned for lots and lots of updates to the team blog in the next couple of weeks!  If you haven't done so already, make sure you subscribe to the blog so you can get new posts delivered right to your inbox.

Looking forward to getting the season started!!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

AW-K Paperwork and Fees

Hi Team!

Just a heads up that it's not too early to be working on getting your paperwork & fees turned in to the Kimberly & Appleton West offices.  If you do not have a current or off-year sports physical on file, you could be working on getting that done, too.  If you click on the "Forms" link on the right side of this page, it will take you right to all the paperwork that you need to print and fill out.  Kimberly athletes turn their paperwork into the Kimberly office, and Appleton West athletes turn their paperwork into the Appleton West office. 

In addition, there is a $50 athletic fee for all Kimberly and Appleton West swimmers and divers.   Checks need to be made out to Appleton West and can be mailed or delivered to Appleton West (610 N. Badger Ave. Appleton, WI 54914).

Athletes will not be able to participate on November 14th if their paperwork and fees are not turned in. Please note, I am not allowed to collect forms or fees--both schools want you to turn your forms in directly to the office. 

As always, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Here We Go!

Hi AW-K Swimmers and Divers!

It's almost time to kick off the 2016-2017 season, and I am so excited to get things started!  I just know that together we are going to accomplish big things!

I created this blog so that you will have access to all kinds of team info all in one place.  Once the season gets started, I will start posting reminders and photos on this page.  On the right-hand side of the page you can find our practice and meet schedules as well as links to the forms you need to turn in before our first practice on November 14th. I'd recommend subscribing to this blog--that way each time I post something on the page, you will get it in email form. Just enter your email address in the "follow by email" spot, and you'll be set.  

I can't believe our first practice is only a little over a month away!  

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki