Sunday, December 9, 2018

Team Dinners

Hi Team,
Tomorrow night is our very first team dinner.  As I said at the parent pot luck, the team dinners are definitely one of the highlights of the guys' week.  Nothing is more exciting to a high school boy than knowing there will be food available right after practice!  We ask that each AW-K parent team participates in one team dinner.  Here are all the details:

The guys have practice until 6:00 on Mondays, so they usually get down to the cafeteria by 6:10ish.  They will be extremely hungry.  :)   We hold team dinners in the cafeteria.  The dance team uses the cafeteria until 6 pm, but you can set up on the far wall of the cafeteria while they are practicing.  We will ask the guys to be quiet until the dance practice is over.

There are  27 athletes + 5 coaches

Past Team Meals (but you can plan anything you want!): 

Pasta and red sauce and garlic bread
Meatballs in brown gravy with potatoes
Taco bar
Make-your-own subs
The guys LOVE bread of all kinds.  There is usually some kind of dessert.  Most groups bring milk and water as the beverage.  Chocolate milk is always a hit. Please plan on providing plates, cups, utensils, and napkins.  

Here are the dates of all of the upcoming meals and who has already signed up to help.  If you are not on this list, please sign up through the link LeeAnn Fraser will post on the Facebook page.    

12/10  Courtney Seibers, Kelly Broehm, Cindy Cole, Lesli Vogel, Deb Fitzpatrick

12/17  Adam Galambos, Shelby Weber, __________, ____________, _________

1/7/19  Megan Woolf, Greg Hawley, Bethany Swanstrom, Nicole Stevens, __________

1/14/19 Courtney Seivers, Jame Young, ____________, ___________, __________

1/21/19  Kathy Daniels, Amy Froehlich, ____________, __________, ___________

As you can see, there are plenty of great opportunities left open!!  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you so much for supporting the team!

With AW-K Pride,


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