Saturday, November 10, 2018

Ready, Set, Go!

Hi AW-K Athletes and Families!

Holy cow!  Our season begins in two days!  I am seriously giddy just sitting here thinking about all the adventures I already know we are going to go on together in the next 13 weeks.  The coaches and captains are ready.  The theme for the season has been chosen.  The locker decorations are made.  Workouts are written.  Activities have been planned.  The parent board has met.  Team suits are sitting on my dining room table just waiting for you to try on.  We are ready.  Are you?  Is your paperwork all turned in?  Is your fee paid?  It's not too late--you can bring all of that with you on Monday, but you will not be able to get in the water on Tuesday until all of that is taken care of.

In the meantime, here's what I need you to do in the next two days:

1.  Spend some time thinking about what you want out of this season.  Some of you are club swimmers and will come in with a big bunch of specific swim-related goals, but a lot of you are not.  Each of you will contribute to the team in very specific and important ways.  Please spend some time this weekend thinking about how you can contribute to the team's success.  

2.  For some of you, this will be your last season swimming for AW-K.  What do you still have left to accomplish?  We are going to talk a lot about legacy this season.  I'd like all of you to arrive on Monday with an idea of what you want to do this season that will contribute to your AW-K legacy.

3.  Be ready to do some things you might not have been asked to do before.  Here is the truth:  I am the corniest coach in the FVA.  You will sit in Feeling Circles this season.  You will be asked to do crafts and community service projects and hold each other accountable.  You will do goofy stuff and challenging stuff.  I might even write your goal time on your face.  And yes, I'm going to push you like crazy in the pool, too, don't worry about that.  

Here are a few last-minute reminders:

The ENTIRE team (swimmers AND divers) will be together for the ENTIRE practice on Monday.  Please be sitting in the bleachers on the pool deck by 3:45.  Do not change.  No one will get in the water on Monday.  

Kimberly athletes have been cleared to leave their classes 5 minutes early each day.  Please remind your teachers at the beginning of class on Monday.  Your teachers will NOT remind you to leave early.  You just need to pack up and quietly leave class at 2:55.  Get down to the cafeteria as quickly as possible.  ALL KIMBERLY SWIMMERS AND DIVERS should meet in the cafeteria on Monday to make sure that everyone has a ride to West.  Check in with captain Trevor Reese--he will have a list and will make sure no one gets left behind.

Get ready, AW-K Swimmers and Divers, your season begins on Monday!

With all kinds of AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

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