Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Noah's Ark and the AW-K Photo

Hi Team!

On Wednesday, July 12th, the girls and guys teams are going to go to Noah's Ark together for the day. We will meet at 8:00 am at the Appleton West pool parking lot, and return to the same place at 8:00 pm.  The cost of the trip is $40, which covers your entry fee and the cost of the bus.  Please bring money to cover the cost of your lunch (or you can bring one!) and dinner.  We will stop for dinner on the way home.  There is a Noodles and a few other restaurants to choose from.  You need to print out a copy of the permission slip (click on the link on the right side of this page), and get it and a check for $40 (made out to Appleton West Swimming and Diving) to me by July 9th at the very latest.  You can mail both things to Appleton West at 610 Badger Street, Appleton, WI 54914, or you can bring it to the team picture session on July 9th (see below).

All-program team picture:  AW-K Swimming and Diving is sponsoring a hole at the Terror Backer's Golf Outing, and we need a picture for them to put on the poster.  If you are in town and available, please come on over to Appleton West pool at 6:30 on Sunday, July 9th.  You can just wear shorts and a t-shirt. I'll have parkas for the girls to wear and warm ups for the boys.  We get to keep the poster after the fundraiser.  I plan on displaying it in the pool, so I'd love it if a big bunch of AW-K girls and guys can be in the photo.  All incoming freshmen to seniors are encouraged to come on over!!

Hope to see you on Sunday and on the 12th!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

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