Sunday, July 30, 2017

Lambeau Clean-Ups #2 and #3

Hi Team!

We have two big Lambeau clean-ups coming up next week:  Sunday, August 6th, from 1-4 pm, and Friday, August 11th, from 4:30-7:30.  We still need a bunch of people to sign up in order to make our goal.  I am posting the list of people who have already signed up.  Please text or email me ASAP to let me know you can help. Each AW-K athlete is required to work at a minimum of two Lambeau clean-ups.  At one of those clean-ups, athletes need to bring a parent or adult volunteer with them. This is the only fundraising we do for the year to raise money for the program.

Thanks for supporting AW-K Swimming and Diving!

With AW-K Pride,
Coach Vicki

August 6th, 1:00-4:00 pm
Vicki Terlap
Becca Sesto
Brianna Hauser
Hailey Bevers
Chad Bevers
Sandy Bevers
Delany Reed
Amy Reed
Coley VanGrinsven
Jody Karrmann
Molly Anderson
Pete Anderson
Gina Anderson
Mary Strebel
Jocelyn Strebel
Mr. Strebel
Jocelyn’s Sister
John Mihalko
Madelaine Mihalko
Claire Mihalko
Stacey Krumrei
Hunter Bartolo
Emily Rabas
Bart Rabas
Ben Todd

August 11th  4:15-7:30 pm
Vicki Terlap
Abby Reuning
Emily Rabas
Shannon Rabas
Peyton Michler
Shawn Michler
Amanda Harper
Mike Harper
Olivia Polczynski
Ian Hawley
Becky Hawley
Greg Hawley
Maggie Harris
Nora Harris
Megan Harris
David Harris
Amy Funk
Lexee Funk
Molly Anderson
Delany Reed
Amy Reed
Mary Strebel
Jocelyn Strebel
Mr. Strebel
Jocelyn’s Sister
Logan Seibers
Jeremy Seibers
Natalie Seibers
Courtney Seibers
Emily Rabas
Bart Rabas
Alexa Van Laanen
Sandy Bevers
Chad Bevers
Hailey Bevers
Carrie Olson
Mike Daniels
Owen Daniels
Justin Murry

Friday, July 7, 2017

Lambeau Clean Up #2 Date Change

Hi Team!

The Lambeau folks have changed the date of this year's Family Night, which of course changes our second clean up date.  There is no longer a July 31st clean up.  The new date for clean up crew #2 is Sunday, August 6th from 1-4 pm.  This will be another day that will pay more than the $700 base fee, so let's get another 50 fabulous volunteers over to Lambeau that day!

I know that some of you who signed up for the 31st might not be available on August 6th.  I'm going to go ahead and start a new sign-up list for August 6th.  Please email or text me if you can help out on that day. Just a reminder--all AW-K guys and girls are required to work at a minimum of two Lambeau clean-ups. You must bring a parent (or two) to at least one of those clean-ups.

The other two dates are:

Friday, August 11th, at 4:30-7:30 pm  (Yes--that will mean 2 Lambeau clean-ups that week--yahoo!!)

Friday, September 1st, at 4:30-7:30 pm

Thanks a big bunch!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Noah's Ark and the AW-K Photo

Hi Team!

On Wednesday, July 12th, the girls and guys teams are going to go to Noah's Ark together for the day. We will meet at 8:00 am at the Appleton West pool parking lot, and return to the same place at 8:00 pm.  The cost of the trip is $40, which covers your entry fee and the cost of the bus.  Please bring money to cover the cost of your lunch (or you can bring one!) and dinner.  We will stop for dinner on the way home.  There is a Noodles and a few other restaurants to choose from.  You need to print out a copy of the permission slip (click on the link on the right side of this page), and get it and a check for $40 (made out to Appleton West Swimming and Diving) to me by July 9th at the very latest.  You can mail both things to Appleton West at 610 Badger Street, Appleton, WI 54914, or you can bring it to the team picture session on July 9th (see below).

All-program team picture:  AW-K Swimming and Diving is sponsoring a hole at the Terror Backer's Golf Outing, and we need a picture for them to put on the poster.  If you are in town and available, please come on over to Appleton West pool at 6:30 on Sunday, July 9th.  You can just wear shorts and a t-shirt. I'll have parkas for the girls to wear and warm ups for the boys.  We get to keep the poster after the fundraiser.  I plan on displaying it in the pool, so I'd love it if a big bunch of AW-K girls and guys can be in the photo.  All incoming freshmen to seniors are encouraged to come on over!!

Hope to see you on Sunday and on the 12th!

With AW-K Pride,

Coach Vicki